
cadbury.gif (1353 bytes)

Meet Cadbury, the aquatic guinea pig belonging to 12-year-old Kat of Sydney, Australia.  Cadbury has learned some tricks--he knows how to beg when Kat says "Beg!" and puts her hand in the air, and he'll come to her when she calls "Come Cadbury!" and taps her hand on her leg.  But Cadbury's special talent is why he has his own page.   Kat explains...

One day, when I was cleaning out Cadbury's cage, he kept on getting in the road so I put him on the side of the pool, which is quite high up.  He's a pretty intelligent Guinea Pig so I thought that he wouldn't jump off the edge onto the ground or into the pool. Well, I misjudged Cadbury's intelligence and by and by I heard a splash and then a loud "SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEK!" Cadbury had either jumped or fallen into the pool!  He kept on swimming around in circles and appeared to be having the time of his life!  I was just panicking...I mean how many times have you been told what to do if a Guinea Pig falls in a pool?  Eventually, he came close enough to the edge of the pool for me to grab him, but he just jumped back in the pool again!  So again I grabbed him and he scratched and scrabbled until he got out of my grip and again, he jumped into the pool. The third time I managed to keep him from jumping in and I carried him into the house to get his towel to dry him. Cadbury now enjoys the occasional swim in a WARM basin of water.

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